charles 排除 pc_如何使Windows为您排除PC问题
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charles 排除 pc

charles 排除 pc

Windows includes a variety of “troubleshooters” designed to quickly diagnose and automatically solve various computer problems. Troubleshooters can’t fix everything, but they’re a great place to start if you encounter a problem with your computer.

Windows包括各种“疑难解答”,旨在快速诊断并自动解决各种计算机问题。 故障排除工具无法修复所有问题,但是如果您的计算机出现问题,它们是一个很好的起点。

Troubleshooters are built into the Control Panel on Windows 10, 8, and 7, so practically all Windows users can take advantage of them. On , most troubleshooters are now available through the Settings app.

Windows 10、8和7的“控制面板”内置了疑难解答程序,因此几乎所有Windows用户都可以利用它们。 现在,在 ,大多数疑难解答程序都可以通过“设置”应用程序使用。

Windows 10 (Windows 10)

If you’ve installed Windows 10’s Creators Update, you’ll find these in Settings. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot.

如果您已安装Windows 10的Creators Update,则会在“设置”中找到这些内容。 导航对设置>更新和安全>故障排除。

As of the Creators Update, the following troubleshooters are available here: , Bluetooth, Hardware and Devices, HomeGroup, Incoming Connections, Internet Connections, Keyboard, Network Adapter, Printer, Playing Audio, Power, Program Compatibility Troubleshooter, Recording Audio, Search and Indexing, Shared Folders, Speech, Video Playback, Windows Store Apps, and Windows Update.

自“创作者更新”开始,此处提供以下疑难解答: ,蓝牙,硬件和设备,家庭组,传入连接,Internet连接,键盘,网络适配器,打印机,播放音频,电源,程序兼容性疑难解答,录制音频,搜索和索引,共享文件夹,语音,视频播放,Windows Store应用程序和Windows Update。

If something isn’t working properly on your PC, the associated troubleshooter may find and fix the problem for you.


Select the troubleshooter you want to run and click “Run Troubleshooter”. Many troubleshooters will run automatically and fix problems they find, while some troubleshooters will suggest various fixes you can choose whether to apply.

选择要运行的疑难解答,然后单击“运行疑难解答”。 许多疑难解答程序将自动运行并修复他们发现的问题,而某些疑难解答程序将建议您选择是否应用各种修复程序。

The Settings interface doesn’t list every available troubleshooter. For example, it omits the Background Intelligent Transfer service, Windows Media Player DVD, Windows Media Player Library, and Windows Media Player Settings troubleshooters.

设置界面不会列出所有可用的问题排查工具。 例如,它忽略了后台智能传输服务,Windows Media Player DVD,Windows Media Player库和Windows Media Player设置疑难解答。

These are still available if you need them—they’re just buried in the Control Panel. To find them, open the Control Panel, type “Troubleshoot” into its search box, and click the “Troubleshooting” icon.

如果需要,它们仍然可用-它们只是埋在“控制面板”中。 要查找它们,请打开“控制面板”,在其搜索框中键入“疑难解答”,然后单击“疑难解答”图标。

Click “View all” at the left side of the Troubleshooting pane and you’ll see a full list of available troubleshooters.


Windows 7和8 (Windows 7 and 8)

You’ll find these tools in the Control Panel on Windows 7 and 8. You’ll also need to use the Control Panel if you’re using  or an earlier version of Windows 10.

您将在Windows 7和8的“控制面板”中找到这些工具。如果您使用的是或早期版本,则还需要使用“控制面板”。

Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems. On Windows 7, click “Find and Fix Problems” instead.

导航对控制面板>系统和安全>解决常见计算机问题。 在Windows 7上,单击“查找并修复问题”。

You’ll see a list of the most common troubleshooters you might need.


These aren’t the only available troubleshooters. Click “View All” in the sidebar to view a full list of troubleshooters. Here’s a list of the troubleshooters you might find, although not all versions of Windows include the same troubleshooters:

这些不是唯一可用的疑难解答。 单击边栏中的“查看全部”以查看疑难解答的完整列表。 这是您可能会找到的疑难解答程序的列表,尽管并非所有Windows版本都包含相同的疑难解答程序:

  • Background Intelligent Transfer Service: Finds and fixes problems with the Background Intelligent Transfer Service, which Windows Update and some other services use for background downloads.

    后台智能传输服务 :查找并修复了后台智能传输服务的问题,Windows Update和其他一些服务用于后台下载。

  • Hardware and Devices: Checks your computer for issues with hardware devices. If a hardware device–particularly a recently installed one–isn’t working properly, this troubleshooter can find and fix problems with hardware detection and drivers.

    硬件和设备 :检查您的计算机是否存在硬件设备问题。 如果硬件设备(尤其是最近安装的硬件设备)无法正常工作,则此疑难解答程序可以查找并修复硬件检测和驱动程序方面的问题。

  • HomeGroup: Looks for problems with your HomeGroup network and file-sharing settings.

    HomeGroup :查找HomeGroup网络和文件共享设置的问题。

  • Incoming Connections: Checks if the Windows Firewall is blocking incoming connections you need and help you unblock them.

    传入连接 :检查Windows防火墙是否阻止了您需要的传入连接,并帮助您取消阻止它们。

  • Internet Connections: Detects and fixes problems with your Internet connection and loading websites.

    Internet连接 :检测并修复Internet连接和加载网站的问题。

  • Internet Explorer Performance: Identifies problems that can slow down Internet Explorer and fixes them.

    Internet Explorer的性能 :确定可能会使Internet Explorer变慢的问题并修复它们。

  • Internet Explorer Safety: Identifies settings that can cause security and privacy problems in Internet Explorer and fixes them.

    Internet Explorer安全性 :标识可能导致Internet Explorer中的安全和隐私问题的设置并进行修复。

  • Network Adapter: Finds and fixes issues with your Wi-Fi adapter or other network adapters.

    网络适​​配器 :查找并修复Wi-Fi适配器或其他网络适配器的问题。

  • Playing Audio: Scans for problems that can prevent sound from playing properly.

    播放音频 :扫描可能会阻止声音正常播放的问题。

  • Power: Identifies and fixes problems with power settings to increase your computer’s battery life.

    电源 :确定并解决电源设置问题,以延长计算机的电池寿命。

  • Printer: Checks for and fixes problems with printers and printing.

    打印机 :检查并解决打印机和打印的问题。

  • Program Compatability Troubleshooter: Helps you choose the for running programs designed for older versions of Windows.

    程序兼容性疑难解答 :可以帮助您选择以运行针对Windows较早版本设计的程序。

  • Recording Audio: Scans for problems that can prevent microphone audio recording from working.

    录制音频 :扫描可能会阻止麦克风音频录制工作的问题。

  • Search and Indexing: Fixes problems with Windows Search and the indexer.

    搜索和索引编制 :修复Windows 搜索和索引编制程序的问题。

  • Shared Folders: Identifies issues that can prevent shared network folders from functioning.

    共享文件夹 :确定可能导致共享网络文件夹无法正常工作的问题。

  • System Maintenance: Finds and fixes broken shortcuts and performs and system maintenance tasks, including checking if your clock is the correct time.

    系统维护 :查找并修复断开的快捷方式,并执行系统维护任务,包括检查您的时钟是否正确。

  • Video Playback: Detects problems that can prevent videos from playing back properly and fixes them.

    视频播放 :检测可能导致视频无法正常播放的问题并进行修复。

  • Windows Media Player DVD: Fixes issues that can prevent DVDs from playing in Windows Media Player.

    Windows Media Player DVD :修复了可能导致DVD无法在Windows Media Player中播放的问题。

  • Windows Media Player Library: Fixes issues with Windows Media Player’s media library.

    Windows Media Player库 :修复了Windows Media Player的媒体库问题。

  • Windows Media Player Settings: Fixes issues with Windows Media Player’s settings.

    Windows Media Player设置 :解决Windows Media Player设置的问题。

  • Windows Store Apps: Repairs problems that can prevent Windows Store apps–in other words, Windows 10’s new Universal Windows Platform apps–from working properly.

    Windows应用商店应用程序 :修复可能导致Windows应用商店应用程序(即Windows 10的新通用Windows平台应用程序)无法正常运行的问题。

  • Windows Update: Identifies and fixes issues that can cause Windows Update to not work at all, or fail to install some updates.

    Windows Update :识别并修复了可能导致Windows Update根本无法工作或无法安装某些更新的问题。

To run a troubleshooter, just click it in the Troubleshooting pane. To quickly find a relevant troubleshooter, you can perform a search from the Troubleshooting window.

要运行疑难解答,只需在“疑难解答”窗格中单击它。 要快速找到相关的疑难解答程序,您可以从“疑难解答”窗口中进行搜索。

The troubleshooter will launch after you click it. Just click “Next” to begin troubleshooting.

单击它后,疑难解答程序将启动。 只需单击“下一步”即可开始故障排除。

Most troubleshooters will run automatically, looking for problems and fixing any issues they find. To prevent the troubleshooter from automatically making changes to your system, click the “Advanced” link at the bottom left corner of the troubleshooter window and uncheck the “Apply Repairs Automatically” option. You’ll be prompted with more information before the troubleshooter makes any changes to your system.

大多数疑难解答程序将自动运行,查找问题并修复他们发现的所有问题。 为防止疑难解答程序自动对系统进行更改,请单击疑难解答程序窗口左下角的“高级”链接,然后取消选中“自动应用修复”选项。 在疑难解答程序对系统进行任何更改之前,系统将提示您提供更多信息。

While most troubleshooters run automatically, some troubleshooters will give you options you need to click. For example, the Program Compatibility troubleshooter will walk you through choosing a program that isn’t working properly and changing its compatibility settings. The Incoming Connections troubleshooter will ask you what you’re trying to do so it know what type of incoming connection to troubleshoot.

虽然大多数疑难解答程序会自动运行,但某些疑难解答程序会为您提供您需要单击的选项。 例如,程序兼容性问题排查工具将引导您选择无法正常运行的程序并更改其兼容性设置。 传入连接疑难解答程序将询问您要执行的操作,以便知道要解决的传入连接类型。

That’s about it. There isn’t a troubleshooter for every issue you’ll encounter, and the troubleshooters that do exist won’t be able to fix every problem. But troubleshooters are a good place to start when you encounter a problem with something.

就是这样 没有针对您遇到的每个问题的疑难解答程序,并且确实存在的疑难解答程序无法解决所有问题。 但是,当您遇到某些问题时,疑难解答是一个不错的起点。


charles 排除 pc


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